A WordPress Plugin for Commerce7
We created this WordPress plugin to provide extra features so that as a Commerce7 customer, you can make the most of your ecommerce site.
Commerce7 Connect is available in two versions.
The Free version helps you install Commerce7 into your WordPress site so you can get going quickly. The Pro version really takes things up a notch and boosts Commerce7 in WordPress significantly. Review the features below to learn more.
Free Features
Basic Commerce7 Widgets
Easily install basic Commerce7 widgets like cart and account login on your WordPress site.
Short Codes for Commerce7
Add Commerce7 widgets easily to your pages including product collections and custom forms using the intuitive short code wizard.
Optional Age Gate
Turn on an ADA compliant age gate to verify your customers’ age before they can continue to your site.
C7 Product Management
Import Commerce7 products into WordPress and get a serious boost from your Commerce7 investment.
Trade Assets
Build a trade page by adding PDF and JPG files directly to your Commerce7 products in WordPress.
Add recipes to your site and connect them to your Commerce7 wines as food pairings.
Secure Member Content
Secure content on your WordPress site to specific types of customers like club members or members assigned to custom tags.
Product Reviews
Give customers who have purchased wine the ability to leave product reviews.
Related Products
We have added the ability for you to combine products together so that you recommend related products.
Searchable Products
Because Commerce7 products are imported, you can now add a product search to your WordPress site.
Customer Favorites
Customers who are logged in can add products to a favorites list and access their favorites from the member dashboard.
Social Sharing
With Commerce7 Connect, products can be shared easily on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Filter / Sort By
For larger product collections, we’ve added additional product filtering and sorting tools to help customers find products faster.
Commerce7 Subscribe Pop-Up
Activate a subscribe popup that is connected to your Commerce7 contacts and subscriber lists.
Local Personalization Blocks
Manage your personalized content directly in WordPress with better design control.
Commerce7 Connect: $100/mo
Commerce7 Blocks & Short Codes
Using the free version of Commerce7 Connect, you can easily add API Connected Commerce7 blocks in the Gutenberg Editor.
In Classic mode, you have access to the widget using a handy short code wizard that pulls options via the API.
Supports All Commerce7 Widgets
Adding standard Commerce7 widgets like a custom form, product collection, or personalization block is easy with built-in Gutenberg blocks or Classic Editor short codes.
API Connected
The Commerce7 widgets are connect directly to your Commerce7 account using C7’s API so that inserting and configuring widgets work as expected.
Works as expected – the WordPress way.
Commerce7 blocks and Classic Editor short codes work they way you would expect and show previews in the Gutenburg editor
Plugin Pricing
Download the free version and get started with the core Commerce7 install.
If you want to get the most out of your Commerce7 website, consider upgrading to the Pro license.